
"Mesmerized" Will Drop on January 5th! 

I'm thrilled to announce that my new single, “Mesmerized”, will be released on January 5th across all the major streaming platforms.  “Mesmerized” was produced by good friend PJ Lorenzo and features Mike Schill on bass, Jeff Kocher on lead guitar, and Bruce Decker on piano.  It was a blast working with this quartet of talented people!  Keep a lookout for it and be sure to stop back for more information about “Mesmerized”.

Release Announcement - "Hold On Tight" Will Drop on May 19th! 

It's official!  My next single, “Hold On Tight” will drop on May 19th.  I've been working on it for the last couple of months and am very excited for everyone to hear it!  Mike Schill returns playing bass guitar (thanks Mike!) and I had a ton of help from others providing extra ears during the process (Brian, PJ, Doug…you know who you are).  More info about the song to come in future posts, but here's the album/song art as a teaser…

EP Release Date!!! 

Hey everyone, just finalized everything with my distributor and scheduled a release date of Friday, December 9th for my EP titled "Now & Again"!  I chose the title based on the tracks being a combination of songs written recently (the "Now") and in the past (the "Again"). Here's a preview of the album artwork:   

Now & Again

I'll post more information including pre-save links, release notes, and more as it gets closer to the release date.  
